

2010年1月,中國(guó)作家協(xié)會(huì)與《中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)》合作推介中國(guó)作家作品項(xiàng)目正式啟動(dòng)。中國(guó)作家協(xié)會(huì)為能更好地向海外讀者介紹中國(guó)當(dāng)代優(yōu)秀作家作品及文學(xué)活動(dòng),促進(jìn)中國(guó)文學(xué)走出去,增進(jìn)中國(guó)文學(xué)與世界文學(xué)之間的交流與融合,中國(guó)作家協(xié)會(huì)與《中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)》合作于每周五推出“閱讀版”(Life Reading),一年約50期。此項(xiàng)目由中國(guó)作協(xié)創(chuàng)研部和《中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)》特稿部具體承辦。


  • Word matters
  • (Translating foreign books was once like walking on egg shells with translators having to work around both 'decadent' sexual content and 'sensitive' issues. The scene is vastly changed now.) 梅佳? 隨著中國(guó)國(guó)力增強(qiáng)、日趨開(kāi)放,一些曾經(jīng)因?yàn)橐庾R(shí)形態(tài)、色情描寫(xiě)等方面的原因無(wú)法在中國(guó)完整翻譯出版的外國(guó)名著正在大量譯介入中國(guó)。互聯(lián)網(wǎng)普及、技術(shù)提高、翻譯隊(duì)伍壯大等因素都使得中國(guó)讀者能夠與其它國(guó)家的讀者同時(shí)享受到一些重頭著作。
  • Quality of work under scrutiny
  • (With more translated works published, readers point out blunders in translation and experts call on higher pay and respect to translators.) 梅佳?雖然翻譯作品增多,中國(guó)讀者也不斷發(fā)現(xiàn)各種翻譯錯(cuò)誤。業(yè)內(nèi)人士指出,現(xiàn)在的翻譯水平不比以前差,但是在出版業(yè)的商業(yè)化運(yùn)作中,翻譯們還沒(méi)有得到應(yīng)有的尊重和報(bào)酬。
  • Few translations in the west
  • (While the lack of translated works in the United States has built "a new kind of iron curtain", the increasing number of translated works in China may be "a sign of [China's] growing openness to the rest of the world", says veteran American translator Edith Grossman.)? 梅佳? 美國(guó)資深翻譯Edith Grossman指出,英美等西方國(guó)家很少翻譯出版非英語(yǔ)國(guó)家的著作,這無(wú)疑是“筑起一道新的鐵幕”;而中國(guó)大量譯介外國(guó)作品則表明中國(guó)日益開(kāi)放的心態(tài)。


Scent of a woman

(Feminist poet Zhai Yongming, who is also an artist, screenwriter and hotographer, says the medium may> change but the message is always the same.) ? Chitralekha Basu? 成都女詩(shī)人翟永明1984年以詩(shī)集《女人》成名,多年來(lái)活躍在詩(shī)壇,并將創(chuàng)作延伸到劇作、攝影、裝置藝術(shù)等方面,她在成都的酒吧“白夜”也成為當(dāng)?shù)卦?shī)人、作家、藝術(shù)家聚集的沙龍。

  1. 誰(shuí)是翟永明?
  2. 從黑夜到白晝——讀翟永明的組詩(shī)《女人》
  3. 飛翔的蝙蝠——翟永明論
  4. 從黑夜走向白晝——21世紀(jì)初的中國(guó)女性詩(shī)歌
  • Opening up Chinese literature to French minds
  • (Three French writers, Alma Brami, Yannick Haenel and Laurent Mauvignier athered with five of their Chinese counterparts for a lively discussion about the generation gap among writers, and the relationship between literature and history.) ? 楊光?三位法國(guó)作家來(lái)到北京,與劉震云等五位中國(guó)作家對(duì)話(huà)。中國(guó)作家通常讀過(guò)很多國(guó)外的文學(xué)作品,而外國(guó)作家一般很少知道中國(guó)當(dāng)代作家的著作。


  • Novel atonement
  • (Chinese author Anchee Min rewrites history in Pearl of China, an imaginative retelling of the controversial life of Pearl S. Buck.) Chitralekha Basu? 旅美中國(guó)作家閔安琪在新作《Pearl of> China》中重新審視曾在上世紀(jì)三十年代生活在中國(guó)的美國(guó)作家賽珍珠,以一位虛構(gòu)的人物來(lái)解析自己與這位諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)得主的關(guān)系。
  • Biographer says Buck knew ‘where the bodies were buried’
  • (British writer Hilary Spurling dives into the fascinating life of Pearl S. Buck and her biography Burying the Bones has been almost universally well received by critics.) Andrew Moody? 英國(guó)著名傳記作家Hilary Spurling為賽珍珠的傳奇身世所吸引,寫(xiě)傳記探尋這位美國(guó)傳教士之女的中國(guó)根。
  • Children's books now more fun, less preachy
  • (Gao Hongbo, one of China’s leading writers of children’s literature, says writers of such books should strive to serve their young readers rather than educate them.) 梅佳? 中國(guó)作協(xié)副主席、兒童文學(xué)作家高洪波談當(dāng)前的兒童文學(xué)作品不再板起面孔,而是更注重服務(wù)小讀者。


Novel atonement
Novel atonement

(Chinese author Anchee Min rewrites history in Pearl of China, an imaginative retelling of the controversial life of Pearl S. Buck.)
  Chitralekha Basu 旅美中國(guó)作家閔安琪在新作《Pearl of> China》中重新審視曾在上世紀(jì)三十年代生活在中國(guó)的美國(guó)作家賽珍珠,以一位虛構(gòu)的人物來(lái)解析自己與這位諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)得主的關(guān)系。

Biographer says Buck knew ‘where the bodies were buried’
Biographer says Buck knew ‘where the bodies were buried’

(British writer Hilary Spurling dives into the fascinating life of Pearl S. Buck and her biography Burying the Bones has been almost universally well received by critics.)
  Andrew Moody?英國(guó)著名傳記作家Hilary> Spurling為賽珍珠的傳奇身世所吸引,寫(xiě)傳記探尋這位美國(guó)傳教士之女的中國(guó)根。

Children’s books now more fun, less preachy

Children's books now more fun, less preachy
Children's books now more fun, less preachy

Gao Hongbo, one of China’s leading writers of children’s literature, says riters of such books should strive to serve their young readers rather than educate them.) 梅佳?中國(guó)作協(xié)副主席、兒童文學(xué)作家高洪波談當(dāng)前的兒童文學(xué)作品不再板起面孔,而是更注重服務(wù)小讀者。


Blooming flowers

(A teacher’s new novel touches upon the fragile lives of students whose farmer parents eke out a living in the cities.)
  裘一佼 進(jìn)城務(wù)工的農(nóng)民工子弟與農(nóng)村留守孩子的生存現(xiàn)狀和成長(zhǎng)問(wèn)題,已進(jìn)入了越來(lái)越多的兒童文學(xué)作家的創(chuàng)作視野。江蘇徐州農(nóng)民工子弟學(xué)校教師徐玲作品《流動(dòng)的花朵》關(guān)注農(nóng)民工子弟的特殊需求。


Bottom of the pyramid

(Chinese young writer Murong Xuecun goes undercover in a pyramid sales scheme and learns about the dark side of human nature. One of the author’s online novels has been translated into English and sells well in the West.) Chitralekha Basu、郭書(shū)含 中國(guó)作家慕容雪村到浙江上饒臥底傳銷(xiāo)會(huì),準(zhǔn)備寫(xiě)書(shū)揭示人性黑暗面。

  1. Life Reading much more into urban life


Ringside view 更多>>

Ringside view
Ringside view

(Miomir Udovicki, Serbian ambassador to China, traces his discoveries of the country in the 1980s in a novel recently translated into Chinese.) 郭書(shū)含 塞爾維亞駐華大使Miomir Udovicki對(duì)中國(guó)文化情有獨(dú)鐘,他的小說(shuō)《朝東走到西》近日翻譯成中文出版,根據(jù)他80年代初在中國(guó)學(xué)漢語(yǔ)的經(jīng)歷寫(xiě)成。

Life German writer brings message of hope 更多>>

German writer brings message of hope
German writer brings message of hope

(Katrin Schmidt, winner of the German Book Prize, sheds light on her own experiences of struggling to live in the wake of brain aneurysm.) 楊光 德國(guó)著名女作家卡特琳·施密特來(lái)京介紹獲獎(jiǎng)作品《你不會(huì)死》,受到中國(guó)讀者熱烈追捧!赌悴粫(huì)死》結(jié)合作家的親身體會(huì),講述了一位腦溢血后癱瘓失語(yǔ)的病者如何找回語(yǔ)言,找回記憶,重新獲得世界的故事。


Shanghai today

(While this city’s early 20th-century romance still excites the imagination of writers, contemporary life in the rapidly changing port town is also inspiring authors) Chitralekha Basu 上海曾在上世紀(jì)二、三十年代吸引了眾多中外文學(xué)家,今天的上海同樣激發(fā)了當(dāng)?shù)刈骷业膶?xiě)作靈感。王安憶、陳丹燕等作家捕捉當(dāng)代上海的脈搏,形成了獨(dú)特的上海作家群。

An eye on the past

In the four years since its founding, Earnshaw Books, which operates out of Hong Kong and Shanghai and proclaims an interest in “China’s past, present and future”, has published 11 titles on old Shanghai. Chitralekha Basu 國(guó)際出版商Earnshaw Books成立四年來(lái),已出版11本與上世紀(jì)二、三十年代的上海有關(guān)的書(shū)籍,重現(xiàn)這座國(guó)際大都會(huì)當(dāng)年的風(fēng)采。

City of writers

(As Shanghai flourished as a multinational hub for finance and business in the 1930s, it also became home to many prominent Chinese writers and translators.) 張坤 魯迅、張愛(ài)玲等文學(xué)家曾生活在上海,今天一些大作家的故居完好保存了當(dāng)年的風(fēng)貌。


第十八期 更多>>

‘Hope of the East’

‘Hope of the East’

(Indian Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore's soothing works are once again speaking to Chinese readers, caught in the swift currents of a society undergoing frenetic change.) Chitralekha Basu 印度文豪泰格爾再次吸引中國(guó)讀者。5月10日上海世博會(huì)的印度館舉行隆重儀式紀(jì)念泰格爾誕辰149周年。上世紀(jì)二、三十年代泰格爾數(shù)次訪(fǎng)問(wèn)中國(guó),成為繼莎士比亞之后作品被譯成中文最多的國(guó)外作家。

第十八期 更多>>

Translators find in Tagore their 'labor of love'

Translators find in Tagore their 'labor of love'

(An unprecedented project has been launched to translate all of Tagore’s works from Bengali into Chinese) Chitralekha Basu 中國(guó)17位翻譯家正致力于從孟加拉語(yǔ)翻譯泰格爾全集。

第十八期 更多>>

Dialogue helps explain China'sstarring role

Dialogue helps explain China's
starring role

(US futurist John Naisbitt talks with Chinese politician Zhao Qizheng on China’s development lessons)  郭書(shū)含 在剛出版的《對(duì)話(huà)中國(guó)模式》中,美國(guó)未來(lái)學(xué)家奈斯比特與政協(xié)外事委員會(huì)主任趙啟正深入探討中國(guó)發(fā)展模式。


  • Alien in New York
  • (The debut novel from Jean Kwok draws on her own experiences as an immigrant to explore both sides of the American Dream.) Chitralekha Basu 旅美華人女作家Jean Kwok的半自傳小說(shuō)《Girl in Translation》最近由美國(guó)知名出版商出版,引起美國(guó)讀者對(duì)底層中國(guó)移民生活的興趣。Jean Kwok五歲時(shí)隨家人從香港移民紐約,上學(xué)之余和媽媽一起在血汗工廠(chǎng)打工。憑借出眾的才能,她上了哈佛大學(xué),通過(guò)打掃學(xué)校餐廳、給盲人讀書(shū)和在舞廳領(lǐng)舞來(lái)掙錢(qián)。她用了10年時(shí)間,終于將自己的經(jīng)歷寫(xiě)成此書(shū)。
  • Writing the blues
  • (Writer Zhao Yu says the memory of his first 18 years spent in the countryside has become an inexhaustible nutrition bar that nourishes and inspires his career and life.) 梅佳 青年作家趙瑜出版《小憂(yōu)傷》,講述童年時(shí)的鄉(xiāng)村生活。趙瑜的前一本書(shū)《小閑事》談戀愛(ài)中的魯迅,吸引了大量讀者。他計(jì)劃再寫(xiě)一本關(guān)于沈叢文的小說(shuō)。

Alien in New York 更多>>

Girl in Translation
Girl in Translation

(The debut novel from Jean Kwok draws on her own experiences as an immigrant to explore both sides of the American Dream.) Chitralekha Basu 旅美華人女作家Jean Kwok的半自傳小說(shuō)《Girl in Translation》最近由美國(guó)知名出版商出版,引起美國(guó)讀者對(duì)底層中國(guó)移民生活的興趣。Jean Kwok五歲時(shí)隨家人從香港移民紐約,上學(xué)之余和媽媽一起在血汗工廠(chǎng)打工。憑借出眾的才能,她上了哈佛大學(xué),通過(guò)打掃學(xué)校餐廳、給盲人讀書(shū)和在舞廳領(lǐng)舞來(lái)掙錢(qián)。她用了10年時(shí)間,終于將自己的經(jīng)歷寫(xiě)成此書(shū)。

Writing the blues 更多>>

Writing the blues
Writing the blues

(Writer Zhao Yu says the memory of his first 18 years spent in the countryside has become an inexhaustible nutrition bar that nourishes and inspires his career and life.) 梅佳 青年作家趙瑜出版《小憂(yōu)傷》,講述童年時(shí)的鄉(xiāng)村生活。趙瑜的前一本書(shū)《小閑事》談戀愛(ài)中的魯迅,吸引了大量讀者。他計(jì)劃再寫(xiě)一本關(guān)于沈叢文的小說(shuō)。


Upon the World Book Day, discover gems of today’s Chinese literature 世界讀書(shū)日,讀一讀中國(guó)當(dāng)代文學(xué)

Best of times for Chinese books?

Best of times for Chinese books?

(Literary insiders debate over the state of Chinese literature.)

Quest for nation's unsung literary gems

Quest for nation's unsung literary gems

(International publishers and critics share their favorites of Chinese literature since 1949.) 國(guó)際出版界和文學(xué)界人士談他們心目中有待被英語(yǔ)世界發(fā)現(xiàn)的當(dāng)代中國(guó)文學(xué)瑰寶。

Must reads

Must reads

(15 must reads of Chinese literature over the past 10 years)

第十五期 更多>>

  • Unraveling the ties that bind
  • (Reticent novelist Lin Zhe's wonderful panoramic tale of 20th century China is now available in an English translation.)
      Chitralekha Basu:中國(guó)作家林哲的作品《外婆的古城》剛剛由外國(guó)翻譯家George Fowler花兩年時(shí)間譯成英文。林哲的作品深深吸引了瑞典文學(xué)愛(ài)好者Lars Ellstrom,Ellstrom和他的朋友Fowler認(rèn)為西方讀者應(yīng)當(dāng)摒棄偏見(jiàn),從出版商并不看好的文學(xué)作品中了解中國(guó)。
  • How the southwest was taken
  • (Veteran author Peng Jingfeng again impresses critics with a heavy work that stems from his own experience in the turbulent war years.)
  • Asia was no naive target of 'big two'
  • (British scholar Francis Pike takes an objective view in his voluminous history of modern Asia.)   Chitralekha Basu: 英國(guó)學(xué)者Francis Pike用客觀(guān)的眼光看二戰(zhàn)后亞洲各國(guó)的發(fā)展歷程。

彭荊風(fēng)長(zhǎng)篇紀(jì)實(shí)文學(xué)《解放大西南》 更多>>

How the southwest was taken

(Veteran author Peng Jingfeng again impresses critics with a heavy work that stems from his own experience in the turbulent war years.) 郭書(shū)含:八旬老作家彭荊風(fēng)又一部力作《解放大西南》在作協(xié)研討會(huì)上獲得鐵凝等專(zhuān)家好評(píng)。

林哲的作品《外婆的古城》 更多>>

Life Unraveling the ties that bind

中國(guó)作家林哲的作品《外婆的古城》剛剛由外國(guó)翻譯家George Fowler花兩年時(shí)間譯成英文……

第十四期 更多>>

Pearls of wisdom
Pearls of wisdom

(Veteran American journalism professor Stephen Bloom explores China's pearl culture for his latest work on this "accident of nature" which has attracted mankind for millennia.)
  劉浚:美國(guó)新聞學(xué)教授Stephen Bloom走遍全球,探求吸引人類(lèi)數(shù)千年的珍珠之謎。他在浙江農(nóng)村看到,中國(guó)雖然已成為全世界淡水珍珠的最大生產(chǎn)國(guó),卻缺乏恰當(dāng)?shù)臓I(yíng)銷(xiāo)意識(shí)來(lái)獲取更大市場(chǎng)。


  • Nowhere to turn
  • (Liu Zhenyun, a Veteran writer of 30 years, says his new novel's characters speak to him. And yet, its central theme is one of man's constant search for someone to talk to.) 梅佳:劉震云作品《一句頂一萬(wàn)句》探討中國(guó)人的千年孤獨(dú),使我們?cè)凇墩撜Z(yǔ)》和《圣經(jīng)》之間徜徉,在與神對(duì)話(huà)還是與人對(duì)話(huà)的千年思考中徘徊。
  • First-time lucky for global nomad
  • (Global nomad Mo Zhi Hong reveals grassroots Chinese society in new novel The Year of the Shanghai Shark, which won the 2009 Commonwealth Writers' Prize.) 張坤:華裔作家Mo Zhi Hong在英文小說(shuō)The Year of the Shanghai Shark里接觸中國(guó)底層社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí)。

Nowhere to turn

Nowhere to turn
Nowhere to turn

(Liu Zhenyun, a Veteran writer of 30 years, says his new novel's characters speak to him. And yet, its central theme is one of man's constant search for someone to talk to.)

First-time lucky for global nomad

First-time lucky for global nomad

First-time lucky for global nomad

  Global nomad Mo Zhi Hong reveals grassroots Chinese society in new novel The Year of the Shanghai Shark, which won the 2009 Commonwealth Writers' Prize.) 張坤:華裔作家Mo Zhi Hong在英文小說(shuō)The Year of the Shanghai Shark里接觸中國(guó)底層社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí)。


Different strokes

(Two writers take different routes to define the idea of India – one is goaded by travel while the other explores the compulsions of the free market.) Chitralekha Basu 兩位當(dāng)代印度最重要的作家Amitav Ghosh和Amit Chaudhuri來(lái)北京參加書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié),一迥異于西方的視角看印度現(xiàn)實(shí)生活。

Asian writers guided by invisible hand of the market

(The issue of writers and publishers resorting to stereotyping in their bid to sell the Asian/Chinese stories in the global market came up several times during the Bookworm International Literary Festival 2010.) Chitralekha Basu 有關(guān)亞洲的文學(xué)作品是否需要迎合國(guó)際市場(chǎng)的成見(jiàn)?參加書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié)的作家和出版商熱烈探討對(duì)于亞洲文學(xué)作品的成見(jiàn)問(wèn)題。

Different strokes 更多>>

Different strokes
Different strokes

(Two writers take different routes to define the idea of India – one is goaded by travel while the other explores the compulsions of the free market.)

Asian writers guided by invisible hand of the market 更多>>

Asian writers guided by invisible hand of the market
Asian writers guided by invisible hand of the market

(The issue of writers and publishers resorting to stereotyping in their bid to sell the Asian/Chinese stories in the global market came up several times during the Bookworm International Literary Festival 2010.)


Power within
Power within

(Leslie T Chang's Factory Girls illustrates the profound changes in China since reform and opening up through the eyes of migrant women workers. Chitralekha Basu interviews the author)
  Basu Chitralekha: 美國(guó)華裔女作家張彤禾(Leslie T Chang)的小說(shuō)《打工妹——在變化中的中國(guó)從鄉(xiāng)村走向城市》2009年出版后,備受?chē)?guó)際文學(xué)界矚目。作者從先輩剛到美國(guó)的艱難歲月談起,講述她作為《華爾街時(shí)報(bào)》駐華記者,到廣東東莞采訪(fǎng)打工妹的故事。


  • Just aching to write
  • (Literary star Bi Feiyu says all the stories that he has penned are essentially one - the story of pain.) 楊光:中國(guó)作家畢飛宇參加書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié),笑對(duì)“女性作家”稱(chēng)呼,將自己的作品概括為“關(guān)于痛苦的描述”。
  • Authors show Beijing what the Scots have got
  • (Four prominent Scottish writers attended the Bookworm festival, bringing fans rich diversity in the literary map while searching for inspirations.) Basu Chitralekha: 四位蘇格蘭作家參加書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié),帶來(lái)豐富多彩的作品,并在中國(guó)尋找靈感。
  • He explores other worlds with his words
  • (Mexican author Alberto Ruy-Sanchez pursues a woman's journey toward the ultimate sensory experiences.) Basu Chitralekha: 墨西哥作家Alberto Ruy-Sanchez耗費(fèi)20年時(shí)間描寫(xiě)女性題材。












Just aching to write

Just aching to write

Just aching to write

  Bi Feiyu is known for examining the female psyche in his award-winning books.


  • The absurd as real
  • (Writer Yan Lianke, who took up the pen for practical reasons, now finds inspiration in the philosophical.) 楊光 中國(guó)作家閻連科被國(guó)際文學(xué)評(píng)論屆看好,將在第四屆書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié)上與國(guó)際作家對(duì)話(huà)。
  • Grossman on Samson and China
  • (Israel’s most prominent writer David Grossman talks about peace and China.) Basu Chitralekha 以色列著名作家David Grossman在書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié)談中國(guó)見(jiàn)聞與和平

The absurd as real

Life The absurd as real

Life The absurd as real

  Yan Lianke has worked his way up from being a peasant soldier to a prize-winning writer. Provided to china daily


Books in action

(The Bookworm Literary Festival has grown considerably in four years, from 15 to 60 authors from across the world. This year, the literary event extends to performance and screenings, with a pledge to be carbon-neutral.)
  Basu Chitralekha 書(shū)蟲(chóng)國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié)在京開(kāi)幕

True accounts of life’s many journeys

(The Australian Writers’ Week is held from March 8 to 14 in Beijing. Heavy-weight Australian authors like Les Mrray, Alexis Wright and Brian Castro will bring their works. Alice Pung with Chinese ancestors will bring a bestseller on a portrayal of being caught between cultures.)
  Basu Chitralekha 澳大利亞作家周將于3月8日至14日在京舉行,Les Mrray、Alexis Wright、Brian Castro等重量級(jí)作家將帶來(lái)他們的名作。華裔女作家Alice Pung將與中國(guó)讀者分享文化沖突方面的故事。(Basu Chitralekha )

The word from Shanghai

(Shanghai International Literary Festival will gather some 50 authors from 20 countries from March 5 to 21 at M on the Bund.)
 張昆 上海國(guó)際文學(xué)節(jié)將于3月5日至21日吸引來(lái)自20個(gè)國(guó)家和地區(qū)的50多位作家。自2003年首次舉辦以來(lái),這個(gè)由外灘米氏西餐廳(M on the Bund)發(fā)起的文學(xué)活動(dòng)已具備相當(dāng)?shù)闹取?/p>


Touch of class

(New novel on migrant workers tells a story from the heart, from one who's lived that life. Mei Jia reports)

Susan's Smile, all about envy

(Writer Ye Zhaoyan’s new novel delves into the heart of Chinese marriage.)


Life Touch of class
Life Touch of class

Migrant workers are an oft-neglected aspect of the Chinese economic success story. While there have been other books on them, a new novel offers an impressive account of what it means to be one, by someone who has lived that life.


Life Susan's Smile, all about envy
Life Susan's Smile, all about envy

Writer Ye Zhaoyan is bent on a switch, after depicting "the reality of myth" in Hou Yi, 2006, a novel that reconstructs the ancient Chinese tale of Chang E and her self-banishment to the moon.

第五期 <

“Caught up in chaos”

(Former commune head Zhai Daihai pens a book that looks at what the 'cultural revolution' did in the countryside and the reasons for it.)

“A guide to Shanghai’s street life”

(Shanghai author Wang Xiaoying depicts common people’s daily lives in a new novel.) 張坤:王小鷹的小說(shuō)《長(zhǎng)街行》聚焦上海市民生活



“Walking a tight rope”

(Irish writer Colum McCann’s novel Let the Great World Spin weaves together a powerful allegory of 9/11 and it won McCann the National Book Award in 2009. McCann visits China as all of his works are introduced to Chinese readers.)
  Basu Chitralekha 美國(guó)著名作家Colum McCann來(lái)華尋找靈感,全部作品譯成中文 簡(jiǎn)介:美國(guó)著名作家科爾姆·邁凱恩(Colum McCann)的長(zhǎng)篇小說(shuō)《讓偉大世界旋轉(zhuǎn)》(Let the Great World Spin)被譽(yù)為“最成功的關(guān)于9·11的小說(shuō)”并獲得第60屆美國(guó)國(guó)家圖書(shū)獎(jiǎng)。本周邁凱恩首次來(lái)華,他的全部作品已譯成中文出版。



“Faint praise for Great Plains”

(Xi’an-based author Gao Jianqun turns out a heavy novel at the end of last year on the lives of three generations in a rural family. The novel depicts real rural life from the 1930s to the present day. It touches the reader with a genuine love of the peasants who form the basis of the Chinese culture.)


Call of the wild[By Yang Guang (China Daily)]

(Toronto-based writer Zhang Ling realizes a long cherished dream to write about the Chinese immigrants who went to mine gold in the Rocky Mountains.)



中國(guó)作家網(wǎng)——張翎長(zhǎng)篇小說(shuō)《金山》專(zhuān)題 更多>>





《中國(guó)日?qǐng)?bào)》閱讀版1月15日推出重要報(bào)道,“Beyond symbolism” (《在符號(hào)之外》),以譯林出版社與英國(guó)Compendium出版社合作推出的英文版“Symbols of China”(《符號(hào)中國(guó)》)為例分析向國(guó)際介紹中國(guó)文化的另一種方式。 隨著中國(guó)國(guó)力的增強(qiáng),越來(lái)越多人對(duì)中國(guó)感興趣,而中國(guó)多年來(lái)譯介到國(guó)際圖書(shū)市場(chǎng)的書(shū)籍很少達(dá)到預(yù)期的效果。如何向國(guó)外介紹中國(guó)文化才能達(dá)到事半功倍的效果?近日由譯林出版社與英國(guó)Compendium出版社合作推出的英文版“Symbols of China”(《符號(hào)中國(guó)》)給出了一個(gè)喜人的答案。由著名中國(guó)學(xué)者馮驥才主編的《符號(hào)中國(guó)》叢書(shū)于2008年面世,為了更好地將這套叢書(shū)中包含的豐富中國(guó)文化介紹給西方讀者,譯林與Compendium出版社密切合作,從策劃、選擇符號(hào)到翻譯和版式設(shè)計(jì)都針對(duì)西方讀者的習(xí)慣。這一次中外合作可以視作推廣中國(guó)文化,提升中國(guó)軟實(shí)力的一次有益嘗試。

Beyond symbolism




p18 Life on the other side (Liao Hsin-chung’s Our Taiwan in These Years has become a hit after it first appeared as a series of posts on a BBS explaining the lives of ordinary people in Taiwan in the past 30 years.)


第一期已于2010年1月8日推出,內(nèi)容為莫言新作《蛙》的介紹與評(píng)論專(zhuān)題“The ultimate scientist”。本專(zhuān)題特別邀請(qǐng)了美國(guó)著名翻譯家葛浩文先生為《蛙》做了精彩節(jié)譯,美國(guó)威騰堡大學(xué)的陳穎教授專(zhuān)門(mén)寫(xiě)了書(shū)評(píng)。

Life The ultimate scientist

Life The ultimate scientist

Life The ultimate scientist

Mo Yan, one of the most acclaimed Chinese writers, continues to surprise and delight readers and critics alike with his new book Frog.




Life Mo Yan spawns fresh controversy

Emerging in the mid 1980s as a young experimentalist, Mo Yan is one of the greatest Chinese-language writers today.